
Indo-Pak cricket and the contracts row

The ICC has clarified that it will not release India's share of the World Cup revenue - which comes to almost US$9 million - until the contracts controversy is resolved with the Global Cricket Corporation (GCC), which marketed the event

S Rajesh
S Rajesh
The ICC has clarified that it will not release India's share of the World Cup revenue - which comes to almost US$9 million - until the contracts controversy is resolved with the Global Cricket Corporation (GCC), which marketed the event. The GCC had filed for compensation of $50m, claiming a breach of player contracts.
Providing an update on the issue, Ehsan Mani, the president of the ICC, said: "We received the claim from GCC in June, and responded to it in July. We are still waiting to hear back from the GCC. As far as the money withheld from India is concerned, the executive committee of the ICC took the decision that no money would be released to India till the matter with the GCC was resolved and that position remains unchanged."
Jagmohan Dalmiya, president of the Indian board, had earlier suggested that the contracts row, which hogged so much attention in the build-up to the World Cup, would be resolved as Ehsan Mani has taken over as ICC president.
Speaking to the media after the Cricket Committee - Management (CC-M) meeting, Mani also shed light on what the ICC thought about resumption of cricketing ties between India and Pakistan. "Like the rest of the cricketing world, the ICC would like to see the resumption of cricketing ties between India and Pakistan at the elite level but this is essentially a bi-lateral issue between the two countries.
"At the invitation of the Pakistan Cricket Board, the ICC has previously met with Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf and he has stated to us his desire to re-establish these ties. The BCCI have indicated to the ICC that it believes that it is best placed to deal with its own government on this issue at this time. The ICC respects this decision by the BCCI and recognises that it is an issue which the Indian Board is seeking to resolve as quickly as possible for the benefit of the game."