Matches (15)
T20 World Cup (3)
T20WC Warm-up (1)
Vitality Blast (8)
CE Cup (3)

FAQ: Inbox

What is Inbox?
It is a section on ESPNcricinfo's fan site, The Stands, where cricket fans can send in articles for publication.
What kinds of articles do you publish?
Just about anything - opinion pieces, analysis, nostalgic looks back at the good old days, rants and more. Match reports are off limits, because we have a separate section for them on The Stands - Fan Following. If you're interested in covering matches from a fan's perspective, click here to find out more.
Are there any guidelines I need to follow?
We'll set no rules for this section, but the pieces that make the cut will have to match the standards you have come to expect from ESPNcricinfo. You could possibly write on the elements of the game you hold dear; about matters that rile you; about players, teams and trends; you could share your memories and views.
Is there a word limit for submissions?
Anywhere between 250 and 1000 words per piece is fine. Send us a short bio of 60-70 words along with your submissions.
Will I get paid for my piece?
Unfortunately we can't pay you for your submissions, published or otherwise. However, we promise that your writing will be read by a huge number of cricket fans. We will also publish your photo, a short bio, and a link to your blog, Twitter feed, or website.
Will my submission be edited?
Yes, for grammar, style, accuracy, length and facts.
Can I publish pieces I send in to Inbox elsewhere?
Copyright for submissions to Inbox stays with you, the writer, and you are free to publish a piece you send us elsewhere. You can publish on a personal blog at any time (with a link to the relevant ESPNcricinfo page, if possible). If you're looking to publish in any other media, we ask that you wait two days after the piece in question is published on ESPNcricinfo before doing so.
I emailed my article to you. Why haven't I heard from you yet?
Unfortunately, given the number of contributions we receive, we can only reply to those we accept. Good luck next time.
Can I request for changes in my piece after it has been published?
For grammatical or factual errors that we have overlooked or introduced, yes.
How do I send a piece, or a query about sending one, in?
Send your articles to us here, with "Inbox" in the subject line.