
Statement by Shane Warne

"As James has said, I was shocked and absolutely devastated to be informed by ASDA yesterday that a test sample which was collected in Australia on the 22nd of January indicated the presence of a prohibited substance.

"As James has said, I was shocked and absolutely devastated to be informed by ASDA yesterday that a test sample which was collected in Australia on the 22nd of January indicated the presence of a prohibited substance.
The full process of analysing and testing procedures are not complete until my B sample is fully examined in Australia later this week.
I am shocked because I do not take performance-enhancing drugs and do not condone them in any way shape or form.
I am proud to be in the shape I am in at the moment and that is due to nothing other than hard work and looking after myself with diet.
I did take a fluid tablet before my comeback game in Sydney which I did not know contained a prohibited substance.
The tablet actually dehydrates you and gets rid of any excess fluid in your body, and as I understand, it is not performance enhancing.
I have decided to return home in the best interests of the team in their World Cup campaign and to address the situation personally, which the ACB are very supportive of.
As I said I have never taken any performance enhancing drugs and am confident that this matter will be cleared up very soon.
ASDA has conducted random tests for a long time now in conjunction with the ACB and my previous tests have always come back negative. So will any future ones.
I have spoken to my team-mates, and they are very supportive.
I wish them luck for the rest of the tournament. Whether I play a part will be decided shortly.
Once all the testing and analysing has taken place there will be a hearing with the Australian Cricket Board's anti doping Committee.
Until then I will just have to deal with the situation as best I can.
I would like to thank the World Cup squad for their collective support and friendship.
I believe that they have the talent and the spirit to retain the World Cup with or without me.
I wish them luck.
As James has said, it is not appropriate to go into further details at the moment and I apologise that circumstances mean that I cannot answer questions right now."