Media release

ACB response to Darren Lehmann hearing

The Australian Cricket Board (ACB) said the International Cricket Council (ICC) penalty imposed on Australian batsman Darren Lehmann in Adelaide today (18 January) would send a clear message to players about appropriate conduct, both on and off the

The Australian Cricket Board (ACB) said the International Cricket Council (ICC) penalty imposed on Australian batsman Darren Lehmann in Adelaide today (18 January) would send a clear message to players about appropriate conduct, both on and off the field.
ACB Chief Executive Officer James Sutherland said he would personally reinforce this point to Australian players when he briefs them prior to their departure for the World Cup on 30 January.
"It is important that all players not only know their formal code of behaviour responsibilities, but that they also fully understand that these are a reflection of community expectations," he said.
Meanwhile, Mr Sutherland said the ACB supports the outcome of the ICC hearing.
"We started an enquiry immediately after the incident on Wednesday night but the ICC match referee heard the matter informally before our inquiry report could be finalised," Mr Sutherland said.
"It was apparent from the report I received on Thursday that the issue was serious and we advised the player then that the matter may not be closed and would be clarifying the appropriate process with the ICC.
"The ACB consulted the ICC in London as soon as possible about whether the ACB could still exercise its right to lay a charge and the ICC decided to lay the charges which were heard today".